Revista Biblios supports open letters from RBR and independent researchers in defense of Open Science in Brazil


Revista Biblios expresses its support for the open letters drawn up by the Rede Brasileira de Reprodutibilidade (RBR) and a group of independent researchers in response to the text “Open Science: a dispassionate vision”, published by the CNPq on January 14, 2025. Both initiatives present a critical and constructive view of the challenges and opportunities of Open Science in Brazil, highlighting the importance of concrete and immediate measures to strengthen transparency and access to scientific knowledge.

We recognize the relevance of the debate initiated by CNPq, which addresses crucial issues such as high publication rates (APCs) and the difficulties of sharing data due to a lack of infrastructure. However, we agree with the points raised by the open letters that these barriers, although legitimate, should not paralyze the progress of the Open Science movement in the country. The letters highlight low-cost, highly effective actions, such as promoting the green route (depositing articles in open repositories), encouraging the sharing of preprints and creating policies to value Open Science in the Lattes curriculum, which can be implemented immediately.

It is essential that the CNPq, research support foundations and other funding agencies take on a proactive role, aligning themselves with UNESCO recommendations and international practices. Promoting Open Science is an ethical and strategic commitment with global reach, which transcends the academic community to benefit the whole of Brazilian society. By ensuring greater transparency, reproducibility and social impact of publicly funded research, it strengthens the advancement of scientific knowledge and its role in social transformation.

Revista Biblios thus reaffirms its commitment to Open Science and makes itself available to broaden the debate, disseminate information and promote initiatives that make scientific knowledge more accessible, inclusive and collaborative. It's time to turn challenges into opportunities and move forward together towards a science that is more open and connected to the demands of society.

If you would like to support the open letters drawn up by the Brazilian Reproducibility Network and the group of independent researchers in response to the CNPq text, follow the instructions below:

To become a signatory of the RBR open letter, click here.  

To become a signatory of independent researchers, click here

To spread the word about the movement, share the letters and the links to sign them on your social networks and among colleagues in the academic community, broadening the scope of the debate on Open Science in Brazil.