The objects of the writing in works of art: approach from information science


  • Celso Martínez Musiño Dokumenta Consultoría e Integraciones



Books, Journals, Newspapers, Book-objects art, Information Science


In a period in which the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) allow the conversion of analog content into digital objects question the permanence of objects that have traditionally been carriers of writing (and images) such as books, magazines and newspapers, among others. From this arises the following Objective: to analyze the presence of books, magazines and newspapers (image or object) in the works of art displayed indoors, specifically museums. Method. Descriptive, documentary, and field research, approximate nature. Results. The three parts of study are or form part of the works of art, both in image or object. Discussion. In the process of conceptual analysis, combined with the results of research, on develops the model writing and scriptural symbols in art. Conclusions. The books not only remain as an image in the works of art, but are recognized as art object, so books and magazines. Together, the three elements, entities of study, were found in one of the art forms (painting, photography and installations).

Author Biography

Celso Martínez Musiño, Dokumenta Consultoría e Integraciones

Diplomado en Acción y Desarrollo Cultural por el Museo Nacional de San Carlos, y Espacio Espiral (México). Maestro y Licenciado en Bibliotecología por El Colegio de México y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), respectivamente. Doctor por la Universidad de Zaragoza y la UNAM. Actualmente se desempeña como investigador y consultor.


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How to Cite

Martínez Musiño, C. (2016). The objects of the writing in works of art: approach from information science. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (63), 56–70.


