Impact assessment of Brazilian university extension periodicals


  • Geraldo Ceni Coelho Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS



Electronic journals, Graduation, Hirsch Index, Scientometrics, University extension


Objective. The academic multidisciplinary journals peer reviewed dedicated to the university extension (ReX) are relatively numerous in Brazil. Investigations on their impact are scarce. The aim of this research was to verify if the ReX present bibliometric differences in relation to other Brazilian multidisciplinary journals (RMulti).

Method. Citation parameters were obtained from the search engine Google Scholar (GA) for journals of the two groups. In addition, the relation between the citation parameters and the Brazilian WebQualis classification was analyzed.

Results. The impact factor based on the GA search engine (FGA) is widely variable and did not differ between the groups. The h5 index (GA) did not present a significant correlation with the FGA taking into account all the journals (r2 = 0.51, P = 0.0686). Among the RMulti there is a great correspondence between the higher WebQualis ranking and the FGA, and also between the median WebQualis ranking and the FGA. On the other hand, such relationship was not observed among the ReX.

Conclusions. Considering their impact, it was concluded that the ReX is undervalued in the WebQualis.

Author Biography

Geraldo Ceni Coelho, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS

Doutor em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Mestre em Botânica, Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, campus Chapecó.


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How to Cite

Coelho, G. C. (2018). Impact assessment of Brazilian university extension periodicals. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (71), 81–89.


