Julio Ramon Ribeyro’s presence in Google Scholar. A metric approach





Bibliometrics, Bibliometric indicators, Data citation, Humanities, Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Literature, Open access


Julio Ramón Ribeyro's image is highly recognized in Latin American Literature; in 2019 was the 25th anniversary of his death and he would have turned 90 years.

It is important to identify reliable sources in open access to help researchers from different fields of knowledge. This is an alternative to identify information sources and productive authors in different areas of knowledge through bibliometric studies.

Objective: This research seeks to identify through bibliometric indicators the group of most cited authors and studies around Julio Ramón Ribeyro’s work; for this, the informative search was conducted in October 2019, through Google Scholar (GS) using Publish or Perish a software developed by Tarma Software Research; documents dates retrieved were not discriminated in order to achieve a greater coverage of the results obtained.

Methods: This paper is a descriptive bibliometric analysis from the academic articles on Julio Ramón Ribeyro recovered from GS database.

Results: 499 documents were retrieved that at least included the terms “Julio Ramón Ribeyro” and “JR Ribeyro”. After debugging and checking the files, it was possible to identify 193 documents that received at least one citation during the analysis period.

Conclusions: The results obtained represent an interesting dynamic around Julio Ramón Ribeyro’s work. An approach from a bibliometric perspective was carried out to identify the set of works that have achieved the greatest influence on this academic information analyzed. The group of authors who carry out more studies related to the author’s work is also distinguished, and the chronological evolution of this group of documents.


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Recebido/Recibido/Received: 2021-02-02

Aceitado/Aceptado/Accepted: 2021-07-31



How to Cite

Chiroque-Solano, R. (2022). Julio Ramon Ribeyro’s presence in Google Scholar. A metric approach. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (81), 39–47. https://doi.org/10.5195/biblios.2021.955


