Our history

1999 - Biblios Journal is founded in Peru with the aim of disseminating information about the activities of information professionals, publishing news and opinion articles.

2001 - The journal becomes international, publishing research articles on library and information science from different Latin American countries.

2007 - It becomes a refereed journal by incorporating peer review in its editorial process.

2021 - Biblios becomes a quarterly journal (3 issues per year). 

2022 - Biblios decided to publish twice a year (2 issues per year).  Cecilia Ráez Casabona (Peru, managing editor) joins the team.

2023 - The editorial management is shared between Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. The editorial team is expanded: Lúcia da Silveira (Brazil - Editor-in-Chief), Victoria Rozemblum (Argentina - Managing Editor), Isabel Abedrapo Rosen (Chile - Managing Editor), Pedro Andretta (Brazil - Managing Editor) and Cecilia Ráez Casabona (Peru - Managing Editor) joined Julio Francisco Santillán-Aldana (Peru - Director) and Victoria Yance (Peru - Managing Editor). The team decided to adopt a continuous publication model, closing its issues annually. 

2024 - Following the Biblios revitalization project, we invited new members: Fabiano Couto (Brazil - Scientific Editor), Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende (Brazil - Scientific Editor), Larissa Drumond (Brazil - Executive Editor), Lucas George Wendt (Executive Editor - Communications). In 2024, we updated the team of consultants, scientists and evaluators to expand and have more representation from all over Latin America. 

Today, Biblios is a recognized publication, and in 2024 it will complete 25 years of continuous activity and a constant process of renewal.

To see the previous teams, access the external link.