About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The aim of Biblios is disseminate empirical or theoretical research works concerning or related to any of areas of the Information Sciences - Library Science, Documentation, Archivology, Museology. This approach covers all scopes of these areas without discrimination of any kind.

Biblios promotes transparency in research, encouraging the use of preprint, availability and sharing of open data.

Biblios is open to submissions of research texts from any person or organization if they meet the criteria described.


Biblios is an annual publication that publishes continuously.

Peer Review Process

The editors make a preliminary review of the contributions received where the following aspects are considered:

  • Originality
  • Unpublished nature
  • Thematic relevance
  • Topicality
  • Compliance with editorial guidelines
  • General structure – authors must meet this quality checklist (external link)
  • Whether the contribution is endogenous or external.

Contributions that meet these criteria will advance to evaluation by specialists in the field. As part of this process, authors will receive an email requesting that the data associated with the manuscript be made available. To do so, they may choose data repositories in accordance with our editorial policy on open data access, available in the corresponding section of this policy.

Biblios preferably adopts the double-blind peer review methodology. Exceptionally, it may apply other forms of review, such as single peer review, particularly in cases where the author has previously deposited the manuscript in a preprint server or shared data in repositories that do not guarantee anonymity. The preprint and data policy is available in the corresponding sections of this policy.

Publication Frequency

Biblios is an annual publication with continuous publication. 

Fees for publishing articles

BIBLIOS does not charge any fee for publishing articles. The editorial board values the policy of free access to information, thus, does not charge any fee for the submission, review, publication, distribution or download of articles.

Quality indicators

Qualis Assessment (CAPES) (2017-2020) Communication and Information - A3

Scimago Journal & Country Rank (2024) - Library and Information Sciences (Q4)

To collaborate with the circulation of the journal and reach in different countries, the publication is registered in:

Open Science Policy

Biblios actively embraces and promotes the principles of Open Science, reinforcing its commitment to transparency, collaboration, and the unrestricted dissemination of knowledge. To ensure the accessibility, reproducibility, and reusability of published research, the journal requires that the underlying data of articles be deposited in appropriate repositories, preferably those that adhere to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

Furthermore, Biblios encourages the use of preprints, allowing authors to make their manuscripts available on recognized servers before or during the peer review process, thereby enhancing the visibility, impact, and early circulation of knowledge. All published content—including articles, data, code, and supplementary materials—is distributed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license, ensuring unrestricted use, sharing, and reuse.

Committed to equitable access to publishing, Biblios does not charge article processing fees (APCs) at any stage of the editorial process, ensuring that the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge remain inclusive and accessible to the entire academic community.

More details to follow:

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content. Our publisher, the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh, abides by the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of Open Access:

“By “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.”

Researchers engage in discovery for the public good, yet because of cost barriers or use restrictions imposed by other publishers, research results are not available to the full community of potential users. It is our mission to support a greater global exchange of knowledge by making the research published in this journal open to the public and reusable under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY license.

Furthermore, we encourage authors to post their pre-publication manuscript in institutional repositories or on their Web sites prior to and during the submission process, and to post the Publisher’s final formatted PDF version after publication. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

There are no article processing charges, submissions fees, or any other costs required of authors to submit articles to this journal.

Editorial Policy on Research Data Availability

Biblios adopts editorial policies that promote transparency and reproducibility in research, encouraging the publication of datasets as a complement to submitted articles. This practice aims to ensure the reproducibility of results and facilitate the reuse of scientific data.

Data availability

Before submission for peer review, authors of data-based research must deposit their datasets in suitable public repositories. Whenever possible, discipline-specific repositories should be used. In the absence of such repositories, generalist platforms such as Figshare, Mendeley Data, Zenodo, Harvard Dataverse, or Dryad may be used.

Deposited datasets must be well-documented in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This includes providing a clear title, detailed metadata, and descriptions that allow proper interpretation and reuse by other researchers. The use of recognized standards for nomenclature and categorization is strongly recommended.

If ethical or legal restrictions prevent data sharing, authors must clearly state the reasons and specify how other researchers can request access under certain conditions.

Exceptions: This requirement does not apply to theoretical articles, essays, literature reviews (except structured reviews), or other works that do not involve the generation or use of datasets.

Anonymization and identity protection

Shared datasets and metadata must not contain information that allows the direct or indirect identification of authors or individuals involved in the research. Authors are responsible for ensuring that any sensitive or personal data are properly anonymized in accordance with applicable ethical and legal regulations.

Availability of code and scripts

Codes and scripts used to generate or process data must be accessible to editors, reviewers, and readers. During peer review, the code may remain private, but before publication, it must be deposited in public repositories with a DOI, such as Figshare or GitHub.

All code must be licensed as open-source, and its availability should be explicitly stated in the manuscript. If no code was used, authors must indicate this in the article.

Peer review and data sharing

Deposited data and codes must be hosted in repositories that allow confidential peer review, ensuring that reviewers can access datasets without compromising the authors' identities. For this purpose, it is recommended to use platforms that offer temporary sharing options and restricted access during the evaluation process.

Some platforms, such as Figshare, Zenodo, and Dryad, allow data uploads with controlled access options. Authors may choose to:

  1. Private deposit: Data can be uploaded to the repository without being indexed or publicly visible. A private link is generated that can be shared exclusively with reviewers and editors.
  2. Temporary embargo: Data may remain hidden from the public during the peer review process. Once the manuscript is accepted, the embargo is automatically lifted or can be manually managed by the authors.
  3. Restricted access with provisional DOI: Some repositories allow the generation of a temporary DOI that reviewers can use to access the data, without the data being formally published until the article is accepted (e.g., Zenodo).

To ensure confidentiality, authors are advised to:

  1. a) Verify the access options of each repository before uploading data.
    b) Avoid including information that reveals their identity in the file metadata or accompanying documentation.
    c) Use anonymized files and a generic identifier instead of personal names in the datasets.

If the manuscript is accepted, datasets and code must be made publicly available in the corresponding repository before the final publication of the article, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of results.

Reviewers will be instructed to evaluate the quality, availability, and format of the data, ensuring compliance with FAIR principles and usability for study replication. Additionally, they will be reminded of the importance of maintaining confidentiality during the evaluation and not sharing restricted access links outside the editorial process.

Data citation model

Biblios adopts the APA 7th edition standard for dataset citation. Authors are encouraged to follow this format to ensure proper attribution and data traceability. The availability of the data and its citation must be mentioned in the methods section of the article and included in the references.

Data licensing

Authors must select a license compatible with open access and data reuse. The use of licenses such as CC BY 4.0 or CC0 is recommended to ensure that data can be used without undue restrictions.

For datasets with usage restrictions, authors must provide a clear justification and specify the conditions under which the data can be accessed, verified, and reused.

Visibility and availability of relevant documents

Authors are encouraged to include relevant metadata about glossaries, ontologies, analysis protocols, methodological guidelines, and version records in the dataset, ensuring that the study’s context is understood by other researchers.

To assist in understanding open science topics, we recommend the following resources:

Open Science Glossary: https://cienciaabierta.uc.cl/glosario-de-ciencia/

Open Science Thesaurus: https://loterre.istex.fr/TSO/es/

Effective date

This Data Policy came into effect on March 1, 2024, and applies to all works received from that date onward. Articles published before this period are not subject to these guidelines.

Statement of ethical practice

BIBLIOS is a publication committed to ensuring the quality of its content and the proper exercise of ethical practices on the part of each of his actors. This statement, based on the Guidelines on Good Practice for Publications developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) raises a number of ethical focus to each element and important roles involved in the publishing cycle.

Equity and diversity policy
Biblios Journal follows COPE's guidelines on the attitudes of the people involved in this communication space. This means that all people have equal opportunities, free from discrimination or harassment, and in all editorial or employment decisions are not taken into account age, disability, gender identity, marital or civil union status, pregnancy or maternity, race, color, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Where reasonable and appropriate, we will take steps to accommodate the needs of different religions, cultures and domestic responsibilities.
All volunteers, authors, reviewers, advisors, or editors at Biblios have a duty to act in accordance with this policy and to treat their colleagues with respect and dignity at all times, and not to discriminate against or harass anyone, regardless of their status. Misconduct will not be tolerated in Biblios, anywhere.
Biblios Journal is committed to promoting diversity and equality in scholarly communication. To include your social name or rectify your civil name, please contact our Editorial Team by e-mail, indicating: Author name change from X to Y, together with a signed self-declaration (preferably by authenticated electronic signature).


1. About the Articles

1.1. Data reported under items must be real and authentic. All items must include citations and references to the respective sources.

1.2 . It is forbidden to plagiarism and fraudulent data items in any form. It is considered an unfair practice simultaneous submission of an article to more than one journal. It is considered unethical practice publish the same article version in more than one journal.

2 . About the Author

2.1. The presentation of ideas of others as your own is an unacceptable practice.

2.2 . Authors must report any funding source that has helped develop the research and other commitments that might influence the interpretation of results.

2.3 . All authors are required to provide error corrections.

3 . About Reviewers and Peer Review

3.1. Reviewer judges must be objective and impartial.

3.2 . Reviewer has to report promptly to the editor any conflict of interest that could detect when reading an article that has been sent for review.

3.3 . Reviewer has to alert any possible situation of plagiarism, partially as in the whole of the article. Thus also indicate if any theoretical source is being used in an article without being cited.

3.4. Peer review is a confidential process. Any information about the research should be kept in reserve by the the reviewers.

4 . About the Editor

4.1. Editor is responsible to evaluate the articles regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political belief, nationality, ethnic or personal positioning of the authors.

4.2. Editor must decide which items should be submitted to peer review and which are able to be published after review, in addition to preserving the confidentiality of the articles evaluated, not revealing any information about its content, topic, authorship, data included , analyzes or conclusions.

4.3. Editor is responsible to satisfy the needs of readers and authors, constantly improve and innovate the journal, ensuring the quality of the articles published.

4.4. The editor must avoid any conflict of interest with items rejected or accepted and promoting the publication of corrections, clarifications, and apologies if finds errors and when it is necessary.

5. About the Editorial Board

5.1. The Editorial Board is responsible for monitoring and safeguarding the ethical aspects journal editorial, resolving any ethical conflict as soon as possible and in coordination with the editor, in order to maintain academic integrity and credibility of the journal.

5.2 . Editorial Board rejects plagiarism and fraudulent data items in any way.

5.3 . The Editorial Board is predisposed to publish corrections, clarifications, and apologies when it is necessary.

Interoperability protocol

BIBLIOS incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol that allows it to be harvested by other distribution systems. The link to access is:



Grupo Biblios
International Network of the Development of Library and Information Science

Our history 

To find out more about the history of Biblios, go to this link and follow who has been part of that history on this link.