The collection development in university libraries in the view of complexity theory and domain analysis
Collection development, Complexity theory, Domain analysis, University librariesAbstract
Objective. This study proposed a reflection on collection development for university libraries inspired by the Complexity Theory and Domain Analysis. A theoretical contribution was sought in Morin's Complexity Theory and in the social paradigm of Information Science, more specifically in Hjørland's Domain Analysis, to think about how guidelines could be woven for the Collection Development in university libraries in order to face the challenges of Contemporaneity.
Method. . It establishes the Complexity Theory assumptions and the qualitative perspective to approach the problem. To do so, it relies on four analysis dimensions: the epistemological, the published thinking, the institutionalized thinking and of the current thinking.
Results. The results indicate that collection development includes innumerous elements and faces difficulties, it is guided by institutional and users demands, it requires the participation of the academic community, including in drafting the policy, which should be aligned to the mission of the institution and constantly updated.
Conclusions. It concludes that thinking about the guidelines for Collection Development, adopting the social perspective of the domain analysis and based on Morin’s tetralogical ring, contributes to the denudation of issues surrounding that process in university librariesReferences
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