Map of scientific publications and bibliometric analysis of the journal Folia Amazonica in Loreto, Peru
Cartograph analysis, Peruvian Amazon, Research spatial distribution, Scientific articlesAbstract
Objective. Develop a map of publications showing spatialized scientific research through geographic coordinate points in the Loreto region, preliminary with publications from the journal Amazon Folia.
Method. Cartographic and bibliometric techniques were applied to analyze 255 scientific articles published between 1988 and 2016 in the journal Amazon Folia.
Results. The publications were centralized in the area of influence of the Iquitos – Nauta, Jenaro Herrera, low and middle basin of the Nanay river and left sector of the Marañón river basin. The scientific network generated through the journal Amazonian Folia showed a "non-related" figure. Institutional affiliations corresponded to 71 entities, 12 countries and 386 authors, where Peru and France had the highest scientific output, inso day as the United States had more institutions affiliated with the journal Amazonian Folia after Peru.
Conclusion. The publication map represents a great research tool with projection of development and scientific management. Integration with other journals will allow to guide projects that contribute to the development of the Loreto region and in the future in the Amazonian field.
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