Ergonomic information policies for archives and libraries workers
Ergonomics in archives, Ergonomics in libraries, Ergonomics and information science, Ergonomic information policy, Precarious workAbstract
Objective. The main objective of the study is to verify the implementation of ergonomic information policies in the archives and libraries of public institutions of higher education in the city of João Pessoa.
Method. In order to carry out this research, direct observation of working conditions was carried out in the archives and libraries of public institutions of higher education in the city of João Pessoa, the Institutional Development Plan in force in each of the HEIs was also read, and finally , workers in these sectors were interviewed based on a script supported by the categories established by Regulatory Norm 17, in order to understand what their perceptions are in relation to the adoption or absence of ergonomic policies of the referred sectors in the analyzed institutions.
Results. The results are presented in two stages. First, those obtained through reading and analyzing the Institutional Development Plans (PDI) of the higher education institutions studied, to identify goals and actions focused on ergonomics. Then, through the method of coding and using keywords, the interviews conducted with servers that work in the archives and library sectors of the institutions, in order to know their perceptions about the institution’s performance in relation to (non)compliance ergonomics norms in their work environments and to identify the ergonomic information policies adopted in the institutions’ archives and libraries.
Conclusions. The results point to the insufficiency of ergonomic information policies in the institutions, and this situation reflects the dissatisfaction of some employees regarding their working conditions, showing the need for institutions to rethink their ergonomic policies, adapting their work environments to the characteristics of workers and instituting programs and actions aimed at ergonomics, health and safety at work.
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