Attributes of expertise in expert candidates for educational research. Study based on doctoral theses




Attributes, Doctoral thesis, Education Sciences, Expert, Expert criteria method, Expertise


Objective. Analyze the attributes used by different authors to identify the expertise of the candidates for experts in the initial stage of application of the expert criteria method. The specific ones identify the most representative attributes of the expertise at this stage and recognize the characteristics that distinguish them from the expert proficiency coefficient.

Method. Theoretical-logical, analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction methods were applied as theoretical methods, scientific observation, documentary analysis, content analysis; of statistic, descriptive and parametric statistics.

Results. A regularized attribute system is obtained that allows to identify the expertise of the candidates for experts more efficiently compared to standards applied by doctoral thesis authors and scientific research.

Conclusions. Research reveals that the selection of this attribute system greatly improve the identification of candidates  for experts in this area of knowledge. The study is based on the statistical interpretation of the values of certain statistical parameters that graphically underline the comparison of the attributes used with the characteristics of the competence coefficient.

Author Biographies

Yohan Díaz Ferrer, Universidad de Holguin

Profesor de Matemática, CUM Frank País-Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.

Miguel Cruz Ramirez, Universidad de Holguin

Profesor de Matemáticas, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.

Milagro Caridad Pérez Pravia, Universidad de Holguin

Vicerrectora Primera, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.

Elizabeth Gómez Grey, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas No. 2 Santiago de Cuba

Licenciada en Educación Inglés (Departamento de Ingles). Labora en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas No. 2, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


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Recebido/Recibido/Received: 2020-06-16

Aceitado/Aceptado/Accepted: 2021-07-31



How to Cite

Díaz Ferrer, Y., Cruz Ramirez, M., Pérez Pravia, M. C., & Gómez Grey, E. (2022). Attributes of expertise in expert candidates for educational research. Study based on doctoral theses. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (81), 16–27.


