Editorial processes in scientific journals: bibliometric analysis based on open access articles
Bibliometrics, Journals, Peer review, Editorial Process, Scientific productionAbstract
Objective. The article presents an overview of the scientific production of the most relevant and emerging topics on editorial processes in scientific journals.
Theoretical foundations: Scientific communication theory and the peer review model are central to understanding how knowledge is validated and disseminated. Ethics in scientific research provides a framework for evaluating integrity and transparency in editorial processes. In addition, theories about diversity in scientific production are considered and the implications of technology in academic publishing are explored, including open access and digital tools for editorial management.
Method. The methodology consisted of the analysis of bibliometric indicators supported by Scopus and using tools such as Microsoft® Excel® and VOSviewer version 1.6.19 for information processing.
Results. The results show between 1990 and 2023 showed an exponential trend, with an R² of 24.75%, with 2022 being the most productive year. Spain led with 21%, followed by Brazil with 15%. Five prominent magazines contributed 22%. Authorship varied markedly, with 33% of the works written by two authors. Among those cited, works on peer review and diversity in review stand out. 15 collaborating authors and keywords such as "article", "open access," and "peer review" were identified.
Conclusions. It is concluded that the editorial processes in scientific journals have an essential role in the validation and dissemination of scientific knowledge and that their practices must be emphasized on peer review, research ethics, gender differences in authorship, technology, and other relevant aspects in the field of scientific publication and communication.
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