Proposal of a portfolio of services and activities for peacebuilding from the Libraries of the University of La Salle (Bogota, Colombia)


  • Martha Patricia Bolaños Tinjaca Universidad de La Salle
  • Johann Enrique Pirela Morillo Universidad de La Salle



Colombia, peace building, peace education, services and products, university libraries


Objective. This article proposes a portfolio of services and activities applicable in the libraries of the University of La Salle (Bogotá-Colombia), in order to contribute to the construction of peace, considering the university library as a laboratory, generator of services and products aligned with the agendas of socio-cultural and educational development of Colombian society affected by the armed conflict of the country.

Method. Mixed approach, based on the interview and the survey as research techniques. The interviews were conducted with executives of the University, exploring their conceptions about how the Libraries of the institution can support the processes of peace building, through services and activities. The survey was applied, through a structured questionnaire, aimed at students of the Lasallian Chair, a subject that is studied in all academic programs and faculties, which prints the imprint that distinguishes the philosophy underlying the University, one of whose fundamental principles It is precisely values such as tolerance, justice, faith and peace.

Results. After the triangulation of results, the portfolio of services and activities is proposed, with the aim of contributing to the development of the culure of peace from higher education and as a way to scale towards better conditions of well-being and social equilibrium.

Author Biographies

Martha Patricia Bolaños Tinjaca, Universidad de La Salle

Profesional en Sistemas de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística por la Universidad de La Salle. Bogotá-Colombia.

Johann Enrique Pirela Morillo, Universidad de La Salle

Licenciado em Bibliotecología y Archivología. Magíster Scientiarum em Museología, Magíster em Educación. Mención: Currículo, Doctorado y Postdoctorado em Ciencias Humanas. Docente e investigador del Programa em Sistemas de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística. Universidad de La Salle- Bogotá-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Tinjaca, M. P., & Pirela Morillo, J. E. (2018). Proposal of a portfolio of services and activities for peacebuilding from the Libraries of the University of La Salle (Bogota, Colombia). Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (69), 87–97.



Case report