Experiment of terminology extraction oriented to the construction of a library science thesaurus





Automatic term extraction, Manual terminology extraction, Terminology, Thesaurus


Objective. The objective of this artcicle is to evaluate two terminology extraction techniques: manual terminology extraction and automated terminology extraction, to assess the effectiveness of each process in obtaining useful terms for the construction of a library thesaurus.

Method. The methodology used was exploratory-quantitative and was based on two terminology extraction experiments: (1) manual extraction and (2) automated extraction. The manual terminology extraction process was carried out by a professional with multidisciplinary academic training, while the automated terminology extraction process was carried out using WordStat program. Both, manual and automated extraction processes were based on the same corpus, consisting of 283,585 words corresponding to 59 articles about library and information science that were published in the journal Investigación Bibliotecológica during the years 2019 and 2020.

Results. The results show that: manual terminology extraction provided excellent results, 82% of the terms were useful and were established as viable descriptors for the thesaurus. In comparison, automated extraction was a time-consuming process, but only 12% of the terms proved useful and were established as viable descriptors for the thesaurus.

Conclusions. It was found that each of the terminology retrieval techniques was useful but presented differences. While manual extraction required a high investment of human resources and time, its results also showed high effectiveness. In contrast, automated extraction required less human investment and was fast in time, but its results in this experiment were less accurate and useful. It is concluded that experimentation with various terminology extraction techniques is important, associated with the terminology base that is the cornerstone of any controlled vocabulary.

Author Biography

Adriana Suárez-Sánchez, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Licenciada en Lingüística, Maestra en Bibliotecología y Doctora en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información. Su área de especialización es la organización temática de la información en contextos digitales, mediante sistemas en red (tesauros, mapas tópicos, folksonomías, taxonomías digitales, ontologías y anillos semánticos). Actualmente labora como Investigadora Asociada en el Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Es profesora de asignatura de la materia de Indización en el Colegio de Bibliotecología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM y docente de la materia Fundamentos de la Organización Documental en el sistema de Prerrequistos del Posgrado en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información de la UNAM.  Su línea de investigación actual es la sistematización y organización de la información desde una perspectiva temática. Ha publicado varios trabajos en revistas nacionales e internacionales sobre: sistemas para la organización del conocimiento, taxonomías, ontologías y folksonomías.


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Received-Recibido-Recibido: 2021-04-14

Accepted-Aceptado-Aceitado: 2022-12-09



How to Cite

Suárez-Sánchez, A. (2022). Experiment of terminology extraction oriented to the construction of a library science thesaurus. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (83), 39–56. https://doi.org/10.5195/biblios.2021.969


