Prospecting future scenarios: Study implemented to the virtual library Paul Otlet
Future Scenarios, Information and Knowledge Management, Information Professional, Virtual LibrariesAbstract
Objetive. This paper discusses the future of the Paul Otlet virtual library, which is hosted in Second Life, a non-immersive virtual reality platform. It presents a survey on studies that demonstrate applicability of virtual reality in the various areas of knowledge, based on a research carried out at the Digital Thesis and Dissertation Base ( It discusses the divergences and convergences on virtual libraries, based on a survey in the Brazilian scientific literature about virtual libraries between 2010 and 2015. It presents brief history and activity records executed by the Paul Otlet Virtual Library. The study prospects three possible future scenarios for the Paul Otlet virtual library.
Method. Was used the method of prospecting future scenarios, developed by Michel Godet, in five stages: identification of the problem , Organization diagnosis, identification of internal and external variables and actors, identification of influences and direct dependencies between variables and actors and elaboration of three probable scenarios.
Results. As a result the research verified that the academic formation of the information professional is determinant in the construction of a favorable or unfavorable scenario to the virtual libraries in Brazil.
Conclusions. The shortage of professionals trained in virtual environments reflects on the relevance that this type of library, fundamentally technological, represents to its potential users.
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