Experiences of librarians working in university libraries in the publishing processes of Mexican scholarly journals
Academic journals, Librarians, Library publishing, Mexico, Publishing processes, University libraryAbstract
Objective: To analyze the experiences of librarians who work in university libraries in the editorial processes of Mexican academic journals.
Method: A survey was applied to a stratified random sample of librarians who work in university libraries and who claimed to work or have worked in the editing processes of national academic journals.
Results: 8 surveys were answered by 8 librarians who work in university libraries of 4 Institutions of Higher Education of the country, obtaining: the task of the editorial process of the academic journals that the respondents mostly make is the preliminary review of the material sent; the university library in which they provide their services has encouraged their participation in the editorial processes of institutional journals in more than 50% of the cases.
Conclusions: Despite the small number of national librarians who responded to the survey, it is possible to conclude that their experience in the editorial processes of academic journals in Mexico is limited and transitory. However, both the new professional profiles of the librarian for the 21st century and the perception of the respondents warn about the need for those to be incorporated into activities such as editorials in favor of reciprocal benefit.
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