The importance of information management professionals for organizations


  • Sérgio Paulo Maravilhas-Lopes CetacMedia - Universidade do Porto + Universidade de Aveiro



Informação, Gestão da informação, Organizações, Atribuições profissionais, Recursos de informação, Internet


This work is based on literature review and its bibliographic analysis and it aims to demonstrate to an organizational decision maker the real advantages that can be obtained by hiring professionals in the field of information management. To this end, we consider that it’s best to give factual evidence of the work these professionals realize in searching and analyzing information, the advantages that we can get through its good use, and the location where the information is waiting to be found. The best for that is to start by explaining the concepts of information, information management, the tasks that can be performed by information managers and the resulting advantages, as well as its implications for economic and technological current situation and also its bio-anthropo-social implications. When inserted in the corporate strategy, information management reveals itself as a key factor for organizations to obtain competitive advantage. To perform conveniently its function, the information manager must have at his disposal all the relevant internal information, because only knowing deeply the organization can he find the best information solutions.

Author Biography

Sérgio Paulo Maravilhas-Lopes, CetacMedia - Universidade do Porto + Universidade de Aveiro

Doutor em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas Digitais (Universidade do Porto e Universidade de Aveiro – com Bolsa da FCT). Mestre em Gestão de Informação (FEUP). PósGraduado em TIC (FEUP).Especialista em Inovação e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico (FEUP).Docente Universitário e Investigador Convidado do CETAC.MEDIA (UA+UP)



How to Cite

Maravilhas-Lopes, S. P. (2013). The importance of information management professionals for organizations. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (51), 91–98.


