Linking the legislation about information acces in countries from MERCOSUR


  • Terezinha Elizabeth da Silva Câmara dos Deputados
  • Thiago Gomes Eirão Câmara dos Deputados
  • Raphael da Silva Cavalcante Câmara dos Deputados



Freedom of information, Access to information, MERCOSUR, Law, Transparency, Bureaucratic secrecy, Secrecy, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela


This research had as core the information access laws from countries members of MERCOSUL. The purpose was to verify the existence of relationship between these laws. Information access laws (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay), Bills (Paraguay and Bolivia) and a Constitution (Venezuela) were studies from three approaches: active transparency, passive transparency and secrecy. These starts allow identify signals of a common agenda around the theme among the countries members. The results shows similarities between the laws and the three aspects studied find resonance in bigger or smaller degree.

Author Biographies

Terezinha Elizabeth da Silva, Câmara dos Deputados

Grado post-doctoral en Ciencia de la Información por la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, doctora en Multimedia, Maestría en Estudios de Bibliotecología, graduada em Bibliotecología. Analista legislativo de la Cámara de Diputados de Brasil y la enseñanza del Curso de Master Profesional en Gestión de la Información.

Thiago Gomes Eirão, Câmara dos Deputados

Candidato a Doctor en Ciencia de la Información por la Universidad de Brasilia. Maestría en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad de Brasilia, graduado en bibliotecología. Analista legislativo de la Cámara de Diputados de Brasil.

Raphael da Silva Cavalcante, Câmara dos Deputados

Magister en Ciencia de la Información por la Universidad de Brasilia, graduado en Bibliotecología. Analista legislativo de la Cámara de Diputados de Brasil.



How to Cite

Silva, T. E. da, Eirão, T. G., & Cavalcante, R. da S. (2015). Linking the legislation about information acces in countries from MERCOSUR. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (56), 28–38.




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