The librarian in the implication of digital preservation through the analysis of public universities' management policies repositories
Digital Preservation, Digital preservation strategies, Information management, Information Policy, Institutional Repositories, LibrarianAbstract
Objetive. The Institutions interested in digital preservation need to plan, invest and organize themselves, adopting guidelines and a technological infrastructure for this process. Its objective is to present an analysis of the role of the librarian in digital preservation through the Information policies of the Institutional Repositories of national public universities.
Method. The Bardin's method was used to analyze the content of informational policies, and the research was characterized as descriptive and explanatory. The research approach was quantitative-qualitative and the research method used for theoretical foundation was bibliographic and documentary. The research universe was the information policies of Institutional Repositories on the websites of universities present in the register of the National Registry of Higher Education Courses and Institutions (e-MEC) - official database of Higher Education Courses and Institutions - IES, contemplating municipal, federal and state public universities, according to the administrative category of the e-MEC Registry.
Results. The policy’s analyzes were carried out from March to August 2020, covering 51 institutional repositories. There were 21 public universities that did not have a documented policy, with prevalence in the Southeast region. The scenario shows the inexpressiveness of the implications of the managing librarian in the preparation of guidelines and mechanisms to guarantee the control and digital preservation of the national and intellectual production generated by the institution.
Conclusions. The digital preservation policy is not yet documented by the vast majority of national public institutional repositories, so it is essential that the librarian be part of the institutional repository preservation team in compliance with the fundamental guidelines for long-term preservation.
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