University digital libraries in Spain and TIC as paradigms of the information needs for teachers and students


  • Carlos Oliva Marañón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



University libraries, Digital libraries, Online Public Access Catalog, OPAC, Evaluation, User interface, Information needs, Information technology


The university digital libraries have experienced an improvement in recent years, allowing easy retrieval of information in different media. The objectives of this research are to verify the suitability of online catalogs to meet the information needs of teachers and students in the area of Library and Information by evaluating a sample of 23 University digital libraries, and raise the necessary improvements. The results verify the suitability of online catalogs to solve the information needs of teachers, researchers and students, being the University libraries of Barcelona, Granada and Sevilla the most relevant in the area of documentation, as well as the professionalism of librarians to heed the needs of users. Among other improvements, raised teacher education and students in using electronic resources and the creation of online help to improve user interfaces-Web in order to retrieve information quickly and efficiently.

Author Biography

Carlos Oliva Marañón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Autor, entre otras publicaciones, de las siguientes: Calidad, visibilidad e interactividad: paradigmas de las Universidades Virtuales en España; Creatividad, Publicidad y Educación Emocional: fundamentos del Lipdub como aplicación de la imagen de marca de las Universidades; Subvenciones a la prensa en España: sinergias políticas y empresariales en Andalucía, Cataluña, Galicia y El País Vasco; Redes Sociales y jóvenes: una intimidad cuestionada en Internet; y Competencias y formación universitaria del documentalista en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES): estudio de su adecuación al entorno laboral.



How to Cite

Oliva Marañón, C. (2012). University digital libraries in Spain and TIC as paradigms of the information needs for teachers and students. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (49), 65–75.


