Contributions of information literacy to the empowerment of rural women: a theoretical perspective
Information literacy, rural women, social vulnerability, empowermentAbstract
Objective. To explore, from the literature, the contributions of the development of information literacy to the empowerment of rural women, as a socially vulnerable population that is inhibited from fully participating in society due to gender inequalities.
Method. This is a narrative literature review. We used different types of documents produced in Brazil and other countries and published between 2000 and 2019.
Results. Rural women have a central role in field work, food production and ensuring the subsistence of the family. However, in Brazilian social reality, there’s several factors that place them in social vulnerability. We visualize that the development of information literacy, in the four dimensions proposed by Vitorino and Piantola (2011), can contribute in several ways to the process of empowerment of rural women, making them less vulnerable and acting in the reestablishment of social and socio-family relations.
Conclusions. The development of information literacy of rural women is a theme still little explored in the Information Science literature, despite its relevance for empowerment, especially when associated with access to information, use of ICT and lifelong learning.
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