The supply of resources and materials to support teaching and learning through the web


  • Concepción María Jiménez Fernández Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – UNIR



School Library, Information Technology, Learning, New Technologies, Teaching Aid


Objetive. In this article there is described the analysis carried out on 517 school library webs of primary education centers in ten provinces that shape two nearby autonomous communities, Andalucia and Estremadura, with a view to knowing the diagnosis of the situation regarding the offer of teaching and learning support resources and materials through the web. Method. It is justified these two autonomous communities choice as well as the procedure followed in the investigation design, not experimental, quantitative and applied.Results/conclusions. The analysis results are also presented, which reveal that no school library of the studied ones overcomes 25% of webs that contribute materials and resources for the teachers and the students. It concludes with the exhibition of the study conclusions and with a web model proposal that can be extrapolated to any school library of primary education of Spain.

Author Biography

Concepción María Jiménez Fernández, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – UNIR

Doctora en Documentación, es profesora de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), responsable de la biblioteca municipal de Azuaga (Badajoz) y directora de la revista Mi biblioteca.



How to Cite

Jiménez Fernández, C. M. (2015). The supply of resources and materials to support teaching and learning through the web. Biblios Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, (53), 80–87.



Case report